Geometry, Relativity and Cosmology


Welcome to our group website

We are a mathematical-physics group that is focused on treating theoretical problems immersed in the areas of differential geometry, numerical relativity, and cosmology. Much of our research work is carried out using different analytical and numerical techniques, which in many cases involve handling specialized mathematical software or programming codes in various programming languages. Currently, the group has several undergraduates, master's, and doctorate students doing their thesis work and collaborating with our network of collaborators.

Below, you can find some basic information about our group such as our areas of research, staff members, how to reach us, etc. If you have some questions or have some interest in collaborating with us or join to our group, do not hesitate to contact us.

Areas of research

  • Cosmological models.

  • Numerical Relativity.

  • Numerical and analytical aspects of differential geometry.

Staff Members

Prof. Dr. Cesar Valenzuela

His area of expertise is Cosmology. Currently he is involved in different projects related with the study of the dynamics of cosmological models by mean of both analitical and numerical methods.



Office: Building 320, Physics Department, Universidad del Valle.

Tel. (57 2) 3394610, Ext. 2388

Prof. Dr. Hernan Ocampo

His area of expertise is theoretical physics, mainly focused in differential geomerty and quantum field theory. Currently he is involved in different project that are in the areas of quantum field theory, and Lie group.



Office: Building 320, Physics Department, Universidad del Valle.

Tel: (57 2) 3394610, Ext. 39

Dr. Leon Escobar Diaz

His area of expertise is mathematical and numerical relativity. Currently he is involved in different project about construction of initial data sets for initial value problems in general relativity and its aplications in to cosmology



Office: Building 320, Mathematics Department, N38, Universidad del Valle.

Tel: (57 2) 3394610, Ext. 39